Wednesday, July 4, 2012

London Sog

In preparation for my trip to London and Paignton this week for the wedding of some longtime, dear friends, I have outdone myself with the packing, ifIdosaysomyself.  Usually one to wait until the last minute, I typically find myself still stuffing underwear and almost-forgotten belts into the few spare cubic millimeters of suitcase space that remain whilst idling at red lights on my way to the airport and driving with my left knee.

This time, in an effort to stave off the last-minute panic of running late for an international flight, and enjoying one of the few perks of unemployment (namely, much more free time to fill up by doing incredibly necessary things like measuring and re-centering the furniture relative to a picture already hanging on the wall; or alphabetizing our entire DVD collection), I diligently spent hours yesterday (a full TWO DAYS in advance of my boarding time!) matching sundresses and floppy hats with shoes and sandals, which were in turn cross-coordinated with shorts and complementary shirts, jewelry, handbags, cardigans, and wraps... only to realize I hadn't yet checked the weather in the UK.

But it's July, right?  It's summer, right?  It's a coastal resort town, right?

It's the U.K.


Turns out global warming isn't so global this summer: the average we'll find for the rest of this week and the weekend ahead, in both London and Paignton, is apparently about 63 degrees Fahrenheit.  But not just any 63 degrees -- these are 63 WET degrees.  That's right, folks: it would appear that the entire United Kingdom has been soggy for weeks, with pretty much constant rain, and will continue to soak for the entire foreseeable future (which is to say, the current 10-day forecast).

As of late, it turns out the sun doesn't seem to want to rise on the British Empire, either.

(Note that I write this as thunder grumbles right outside my home here in Northern Virginia, which was recently plagued by something called a derecho, or Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, or some other name I can't remember.  Whatever; it was more or less a lower-grade tornado that doesn't spin.  So basically, it was express wind.  So who am I to talk about the weather?  Then again, while I am in the States, I am also in Prince William County....  Coincidence?)

Where was I?  Aaaah, right: trip prep.

Sigh....  All that packing work, for naught.  Instead of the fun, silky and summery little Trina Turk stuff I had packed, I'll be instead sporting some thicker pants/jeans and jackets.  Layer, layer, layer.  A few months ago, when I was in Turkey and it was in the 50s(F), I was wearing a Spider jacket under the warmest winter coat Columbia Sportswear made as of this past January (from their OmniHeat line), and I was still chilled to the bone.  Now, 63 degrees, when my whole world has been 97 degrees for the past week, is going to be an eye-opener.

At least I looked at the forecast before I leaped across the pond.

The clothes I had packed for most of the weekend's activities will be replaced tonight, into the wee small hours, and probably right up until I leave tomorrow (old habits die hard.... and at the last minute).  But, I will still wear the clothes I planned to wear to the wedding ceremony and receptions -- wet weather be dammed (haha, GEDDIT?!  "Dammed."  Geez, I slay me...).  My poor little Kate Middleton hat will have to hide under an umbrella, lest the feathers get wet and droopy.  And, since I can't find anyplace to buy Sporto's City Slips galoshes for heels now without having to wait for shipping (Where have those been all my life?), my shoes, nearly all of which are fabric (such as rose gold satin) or some other water-sensitive material (such as overpriced leather) will have to be creatively carried in to places without being obvious while I wear pocket flats or something otherwise sensible, like sneakers.

Sneakers.  SENSIBLE SHOES.  Me.  With a fancy-schmancy hat and a party dress.

Stilettos in Shame....